WhatsApp has got a very helpful function where users can mark messages read or unread on Android & iPhone. Sometimes we have hundreds of messages unopened and one’s busy schedule can’t let a person respond to them all at once.
That’s where you can use mark read or unread functionality to prioritize messages that are utterly important to useless. Thus, those who needed to respond quickly and unread (marked) ones to deal with later on.
Let’s check out how to mark read or unread messages both on Android and iPhone.
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Mark WhatsApp Messages Read or Unread on Android
Follow the steps given below and make sure you are using the latest version of WhatsApp.
1. Launch WhatsApp on your Android smartphone.
2. Long press on any Read message.
3. At the top right of your screen, click Three dots.
4. Now, select Mark as unread.
As for reference, all unread chats will have a green dot next to them.
Mark WhatsApp Messages Read or Unread on iPhone
Firstly, head over to the App Store and update WhatsApp to the latest version. Follow the instructions given below.
1. Swipe Left any chat on your WhatsApp.
2. A dialog box will appear asking you to Mark as Read or Mark as Unread.
3. Choose your desired Option.
As for reference, all unread chats will have a blue dot next to them.
So this is how you can mark any chat as read or unread on WhatsApp. Also read: How To Hide or Disable WhatsApp Web Notification (in 2022)